Blaming others for your unhappiness gives them all the power. In relationships, blaming binds us together in a negative way, like gossip. You don't have to look at what you said or did. You get to be right. No one wants to admit fault. Saying I'm sorry is often seen as looking bad or weak. In relationships, this lack of accountability causes most arguments. When the one person avoids taking responsibility for what they've done (or not done) the fight begins.

Accountability is the most powerful tool you have in relationships because it repairs the hurt in a way that nothing else does.

How Blame Creates Unhealthy Communication

Blame causes the other person to feel attacked. It starts with a “you message” that makes the other person wrong. This one word invites a cycle of defensiveness that’s hard to stop. Leading the conversation with YOU is a sure fire way to get a negative reaction fast!

That’s because a lack of accountability hurts and causes separation. By not owning your behavior, your partner feels devalued - like they’re at fault. Continuous blaming makes the other person question their reality and that damages self-esteem. This is how most relationships start to fall apart.

How to Take Your Power Back

Taking responsibility for your actions stops the cycle of blame. This doesn't make you a doormat, it makes you a healthy, accountable partner. It is the people who take responsibility for their behaviour that have the ability to create healthy, happy relationships.

Here are some helpful tips for minimizing blame.

Challenge old beliefs that reinforce a win/lose strategy.
Remember, showing accountability sets a positive example for kids.
Check your thoughts; are they negative, critical or focused on being right?
Are you expecting someone to be different than who they really are?
Express yourself clearly by using “I statements” to avoid blame.

#Utsaah Psychology Clinic
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